
Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices such as personal computers, smartphones, cellphones, tablets Telivision sets TVand game consoles to engage with stakeholders. A component of Digital marketing is Digital Brand Engagement. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, and social networks. Digital Marketing can be through internet channels like Social Media,(SEO, SMO, SMM) E-mails ads, Banner ads, etc. Social Media Marketing is a component of digital marketing.


1. Website Analysis
2. SEO Competition Analysis
3. Keyword Research
4. Keyword Finalize
5. Search Engine Optimization Strategy Analysis
6. Initial Ranking analysis
1. What are Search Engines?
2. Types of Search Engines.
3. How Search Engines work and how they rank websites based upon a search term ?
4. What are Directories and how do they differ from Search Engines?
5. Difference between Search Engines and Directories.
6. What is the importance of Yahoo directory listing?
7. How do you submit your site to search engines/directories?
8. How do you monitor the performance of your website in the search engines?
1. Website Structure Optimization
2. Content Optimization
3. Image Optimization
4. HTML code optimization
5. Meta tag creation & optimization
6. HTML Sitemap creation
7. Web master tools
8. Analytics Setup & Monitoring
9. Robots.txt Optimization
10. RSS Feed Generation
1. Google Base Optimization
2. Reputation building
3. Book marking
4. SEO Content writing
5. Quality link building
6. Article submissions
7. Press Release Creation
8. Blog commenting
9. Forum posting
1. Slide submission
2. Pay per click (PPC) campaigns
3. Search Engine Marketing Research
4. Video Marketing
5. Image marketing
1. Social bookmarking
2. Social Networking Profiles creations
3. Social Networking Profile Optimizations
4. Content Sharing Optimization
5. Video Optimizations
6. Social media advertising (PPC)
7. Blogging
8. Blog Optimization
1. Webmasters tools
2. Analytics
3. Keyword Planner
4. SEO Marketing Tools
5. Website Analysis Tools
6. Trend Analysis Tools
7. Email Marketing Tools


  • B.E(IT/CS) or B.Tech.(IT/CS)-Bachelor of Engineering
  • B.Sc.(IT)-Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • MCA-Master in Computer Application
  • BCA-Bachelor of Computer Application
  • M.Sc(IT)-Master in Information Technology


Towards the end of the course, you will be working on a project. Inventors certifies you as a Web designer based on the project reviewed by our Digital Marketing(SEO/SEM/SMO/SMM). This certificate increase your marketability when searching for a job.


Duration: 6 Months


Digital Marketing Executive
Internet Marketing Executive

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